Hi Y’all,
Wrapping up WEEK 11 with a nice long easy run at FM+2 with what looks to be GLORIOUS TEMPS. SAVOR IT! This is a week to get more miles on your feet and not worry about your pace. And something Ric always tells us…REMINDER: No medals are handed out at training runs 🙂
Another race weekend for the crazies that have come down with the tri-bug! Mammoth Lake down in Lake Jackson will be sprinkled with PARR, as it should be. BEST OF LUCK TO YOU ALL. And seriously, be safe. I get panicky just thinking about y’all. In a lake. With critters. Cannot. Even.
AND…some may have noticed Ric MIA on our long runs recently. That is because he is waaaay ahead of our game with bigger runs to do and has a race this Sunday in Minnesota – The Twin Cities Marathon. So be thinking super-fast PARR thoughts and hope for a nice cool day for our Father Road Runner to GET THAT PR! Heaven knows he’s done the all the work to be done. The tracking link will be active here on Sunday, so we can know how well he’s doing…before he even does!
This week:
Again, FM+2 (or as close as you can get). You want to feel like you could keep the heck going. Easy peasy. Time on your feet. That’s all this is. We’ll be departing from Wild Pear this week, and will end with a staggered finish. BUT…will be a CHOCOLATE MILK finish for our longest runs to date! Woohoo…thanks Pam for making that happen!
FM – 5:00AM – all groups – 16 miles – http://www.mapmyrun.com/routes/fullscreen/875480029/
HM – 5:45AM – all groups – 9 miles – http://www.mapmyrun.com/routes/fullscreen/875490021/
*Water will be set at the SOUTHEAST corner of Magnolia/Cullen – that means the furthest corner and you’ll have to cross over there to get. Lot of non-PARR traffic on the corner we turn on, so we need to set out of the way. And when you see Olivia…give her a high five and a HUGE thank you…she’s getting up earlier than all of us to set it out.
Speaking of water
Just a little reminder…the water is set out by someone who is also running. They get up extra early. Add ice to keep it cold…and us grateful. The water is meant to be a supplement to the water that you are carrying on your person…whilst running. In other words, do not rely on the route water alone to hydrate you. There will be times that it runs out, which stinks if you’re counting on it. But, with 225+ of us…and only a small handful helping with water, we can only set out so much. Those same people are picking it up after the runs, so they will pick up after the last group is scheduled to go by. That means if you start at a later time than the group, it might not be there. And our rule of thumb is water is for routes greater than 10 miles, which means there will be times when the HM route doesn’t pass by the water. So just be sure if you’re running less than 10 miles…you have enough water to get you there! So now when you have that feeling in the bottom of your stomach that you want to complain about the water…remember that you once read this 🙂
Last week we got some fun new swag…CAR MAGNETS! How cool are we? If you weren’t at the run when they were handed out, I’ll have them on Saturday. Please, please, please only take one. When they were ordered, there was no way to imagine that the group would grow like it did! We have enough for everyone…but that’s it!
I hope everyone has a great run! See y’all Saturday!
Aimee Galley