Thanks to everyone who participated in the kick-off last Saturday. It was great to see so many of you! If you missed it, please keep a watch on your email and Facebook for details on getting started with your training. Feel free to reach out to me or any of the group leaders for more information.
The training plan and group color designations have been posted on the website (in the member’s area). You can find them here:
The group list is sorted by training plan, then group, then last name, then first name. If you have just registered or renewed your membership since Sunday, July 15, you may not be on this list. We will continue to update the list weekly, but feel free to reach out if you are unsure which group to run with.
As I stated in the meeting, the group delineations are as follows:
Full marathon – Black – < 4 hour marathon, Blue 4 hour to 4:40, Silver >4:40 marathon.
Half marathon – Orange – < 2:10, Purple 2:10-2:40, Green >2:40.
I used the information provided in your sign up so if I misread any information and mistakenly put you in the wrong group, please let me know.
As always, we have great group leaders this year. Black group – Daniel Imrecke. Blue -Laurence Tien, Silver – Amy Catching. Orange – Melanie Smith and Ronni Prakoth, Purple – Lori Montgomery, Green – Meredith Mooney and Olga Somers. Walking group – Maria Albrecht and Kat Seume.
While we encourage you to stay with this group for training/injury prevention reasons, you are free to run with or join a different group if it is more suitable to your pace. Also, I realize many of you have a long history of running with friends who may in different groups so please feel free to run people in other groups. The groupings are designed to allow you to find someone to run with who may have a similar pace or goal.
And for the next few Saturdays, if you discover your pace does not match the group, please feel free to run with a more appropriate group. If you do this, please be courteous by letting your group leader and the new group leader know of your intentions.
There are individual FB groups for each pace group and you will likely get an invite from your respective group leaders to join the FB group. We still encourage you to post general PARR related topics to the main PARR page.
Finally, our 2018-19 season has started so the folks who have not renewed will be removed from our members only PARR group. We’ll close registration by the end of July, so you still have the opportunity to renew but please know it’s time consuming to add folks on a piece meal basis.
We’ll be sad to see you go but we understand that life moves and hopefully you were able to accomplish what you came here to do so we wish you the very best. Hopefully, our paths will still cross in the future, if not on the pavement.
Let us know if you have any questions!