Hi y’all, We’ve been cruising through the race season each weekend…and now the holidays are HERE. Now is when we just need to put our heads down and power through. It’s okay if your head is down because you’re chowing on holiday food! That’s why we run, right?!? Lots of folks making plans around different races, obligations or just plain want to do it differently. And that is awesome. We all need to do whatever it takes to reach our goals. We can do THIS!
Couple of things coming up…
Last year, we sponsored a Brazoria County family at Christmas time. The support was overwhelming. We provided a family with a Christmas they will never forget. We will be doing something similar in the coming weeks. Through Pearland ISD, we will be sponsoring two families with 3 children each through their Angel Tree community program. We will follow up this email with more specifics…but planning to do the same as last year and use Facebook to rally together on the items. Get ready for your heart to feel FULL!
A tweak in the schedule is coming. For those of you that plan weeks ahead on when you’re long runs are…we will be swapping Dec 20 / Dec 13. This will allow us to hold the Kids Jingle Bell Run on December 13. It will be after a progression run, so we’ll all end at the same time. So mark your calendars! More details on that later too. I’ll also let you know when I officially update the schedule that’s on-line. (Are you excited for all these additional emails I’m promising?!)
Now for this week…Tina must think we’re geniuses and can handle running our route backwards. So be sure to look at this one ahead of time to see where to go! I’ll be looking for other runners with very confused looks on their faces. Going to be warm again, so be very thankful for water at FM 1128 (FM miles 7 and 17, HM mile 7). Hoping the storm will hold off as planned. I always include my cell number, don’t hesitate to text me if you’re wondering if we’re a go or not. I can’t do system emails from my phone…so Facebook and texts will be our mode of communication
FM, step off at Turner High School at 5:15AM – 20 miles
Go out the back towards Veterans, Go towards McLean (to the right) Turn R onto McLean Turn R onto Springfields Turn R onto Veterans Turn L onto Bailey (CR101) Over the bridge and across 35 Turn L onto Oiler Dr Turn L onto John Lizer Go back across 35 and over the Bridge Continue down Magnolia Turn L onto Morgan Turn L onto CR90 Turn R onto Bailey (CR101) Turn R onto Silver Springs Turn R onto Quiet Falls Turn R onto Misty Springs Turn L onto Coral Springs Turn L onto Silver Creek Turn L onto Southfork Turn R onto CR94 Turn R onto Southwyck Turn L onto CR90 Turn R onto Northfork Turn R onto CR89 Turn L onto Magnolia Turn R onto McLean and back to school.
HM – step off at 6:00AM from Turner High School – 10 miles http://www.mapmyrun.com/routes/fullscreen/577270208/ Go out the back towards Veterans, Go towards McLean (to the right) Turn R onto McLean Turn R onto Springfields Turn R onto Veterans Turn L onto Bailey (CR101) Over the bridge and across 35 Turn L onto Oiler Dr Turn L onto John Lizer Go back across 35 and over the Bridge Continue down Magnolia Turn around at 1128 Turn R onto McLean and back to school
Happy Runs Y’all. See you Saturday! Aimee 281-728-4848