2015-2015 Registration NOW OPEN

Hi Y’all! Well that was a lovely little break!  I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did! Just a couple quick things.  Really. We opened up registration for the 2015-2016 Season.  This allows all the sweet, patient people that have been talking to me since January to register and START RUNNING WITH US! … Read More

07/17/14 – PARR Registration ‘n Stuff

Hi Y’all, Email full of GREAT news! After a few weeks of tweaks… REGISTRATION IS OPEN! And by registration, I mean registration AND online payment. Wha? What?!?  BIG PROPS to our Friend of PARR, Jerett, who worked tirelessly to make this happen for us. To register, simply visit:  https://goparr.com/amember/signup  – and you can pay by… Read More