Hi Y’all!
Well that was a lovely little break! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!
Just a couple quick things. Really.
We opened up registration for the 2015-2016 Season. This allows all the sweet, patient people that have been talking to me since January to register and START RUNNING WITH US! Their membership will be valid through June 30, 2016. For you, current members, you don’t need to renew until June 30…but you can anytime between now and then. Don’t worry, I will remind you 🙂 In the event you’re so on top of things and want to renew now…here is the link https://goparr.com/amember/signup and just use the Login link at the top to use your existing account.
That also means that we will have some more organized social runs…starting Saturday March 28th. More info to come that week, but wanted it on your radar so that you can share with your people. And same for last year, encourage anyone to come run with us to test us out! Then if it’s a good fit for them, then they can join. It seems that the people that started with us during the social runs last year…stuck like glue. And we like that!
Let me know if you have any questions. So looking forward to this season…see you soon!