Social Run – New Location – Saturday 04/23/15

Hi Y’all, There WILL be a social run this weekend, Saturday April 25th.  It will be from Pearland Jr High South/Turner High School Track (4717 Bailey Road Pearland, TX 77584) starting at 7:00AM. Ric will be there to lead the group out.  This is one of our usual meeting places for our regular season training…. Read More

No Official Social Run – 04/11/15

Hi Y’all, Sorry for the late email.  Week got away from me! Just wanted to send a quick note to let you know that we’re not having an official social run this weekend.  Weather is iffy, at best.  We’ll shoot for next weekend…and also shoot for an earlier email. There are a couple of groups… Read More

Saturday Social Run – 04/04/15

Hi y’all, We realize this is a holiday weekend and might be a light crowd, but we will have a social run on Saturday at 7:00AM for those that would like to join!  Professional Building in Silverlake (2225 CR 90).  Run will be 3-4 miles and at the pace or interval you set!  We had… Read More

2015-2015 Registration NOW OPEN

Hi Y’all! Well that was a lovely little break!  I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did! Just a couple quick things.  Really. We opened up registration for the 2015-2016 Season.  This allows all the sweet, patient people that have been talking to me since January to register and START RUNNING WITH US! … Read More