We will be doing our main PARR t-shirt order next month….but….we have a small amount of PARR Tech Shirts available for purchase right now! This is only for NEW MEMBERS who are so excited to be in the running group that they just want their shirt today!
The cost is $15.50/shirt. To purchase your limited quantity shirt, you need to log-in to www.goparr.com, go to the Members Area – click on Store and select the shirt & size you would like – Add to Cart – View Cart – Proceed to Checkout – Pay for your shirt (PayPal). Once a size is sold out, it will not allow you to order.
Sandy & Sarah will be there this Saturday morning (Aug. 1) after the Saturday run at the track at Turner with your shirt for those who have ordered!
Again, we will be placing a BIG order for Running Shirts, Tanks, Cotton T’s (adults & kids) sometime next month. So, if you do not get a shirt on this order you will be able to place an order on the next run.
Orange you glad we did this?