Hi y’all,
We are back at the hill this week for our 3rd week of hills…and after Saturday, we will be HALF WAY through Saturday hills! Please note that we scooted the time a little earlier this week to try to keep ahead of the sun as much as we can. It is so gross out now, and that big ball of fire does not make hill work any more fun.
Pace Groups
We’ve made a first pass at the pace groups. I appreciate all the responses from all the folks I emailed this week – trying to capture correct training program and pace to get the pace groups posted. Please take a minute to look the PACE GROUPS to check where we have you! It’s easy to change it, so please don’t hesitate to let me know if we have you in the completely wrong place! With 199 of us (I know, can you believe that?), our eyes went a little crossed and we might have made some stuff up as we went along. 🙂
Who Me?
If you are on THIS LIST…please help me put you in a group! What it really comes down to is this: I don’t like blank cells in my Excel spreadsheet! 🙂 AND…we want to get you connected to the other folks in your group. We run A LOT and running with other people is why we’re here…so help a sister out and let’s get rid of this list!
Hello, My Name Is
Seriously. Someone suggested it…we need name tags. But 30 seconds of running in this heat and it’s clear why that is not feasible! There are so many new faces this season and getting everyone to meet is a priority for us. So we ask that you try to come out to the Saturday runs as often as you can these next 4 weeks! We will try to break everyone up into their pace groups and allow a little introduction time etc. BUT…we also know that LIFE HAPPENS and Saturdays don’t always work each week (guiltiest of all, right here) so do what you have to do to get your runs in!
Saturday – Same Place, New Time
Turner High School Track (4717 Bailey Road Pearland, TX 77584)
Full Marathon: 5:30AM – 8 HILLS – 80-minutes
Half Marathon: 5:50AM – 5 HILLS – 60 minutes
The group will then meet back at the track at 6:55AM for CORE work and should be wrapped up by about 7:10AM. Be sure to bring your mat or towel…that track is tough on planking elbows.
A reminder of HILLS in Ric’s words: The objective of this weekend’s run is completing the prescribed number of hills close to the pace suggested. In years past we have had you run to the marked lines, not this year. This year you will do an easy run to the base of the bridge (just before you start the incline). Then you will run up the bridge (hill) at a 5-10K pace. Once at the top you can either jog or walk down to the bottom on the other side. Once you reach the flat part of the bottom of the hill, turn around and run back up and jog/walk to the bottom (flat portion) of the other side. Don’t worry about making it to the line…just the bottom of the hill. If you have an odd number of hills one week, you will run to the top and turn around at the top of the hill and then easy run back to Turner to get the scheduled minutes of total running in for the day. Please make sure that when running up/down the hill that you always stay to your right to allow people to pass on the left if they need to (going up or down). There will be a lot of folks on the hill so we need to make sure we leave everyone plenty of room.
Please let us know if you have any questions. Have a great run!
Aimee Galley