Hi Y’all,
Onto another phase! This week we begin the first of many Fast Finish Runs. Our distances will be varying from here on out…going up, to build our stamina, and going back down, to allow for recovery. So just take it week by week….AND HOLD ON!
CONGRATS to all our racers this weekend! So fun to see all the pics. Lots of first time racers. YOU DID IT. It was a HOT ONE. They’re not all like that. I promise.
Family Matters Fun Run
PARR will be volunteering this weekend for the Family Matters 5K/10K, supporting Counseling Connections, created to strengthen mental health in Brazoria County. More info => http://www.
Speaking of races…I can’t wait to see us after the new order comes in. Y’ALL DID NOT MESS AROUND…Pearland is not going to know what big orange thing hit them. They’ll be ready in a couple of weeks. Little elves are scouring the country for orange shirts that we can throw our logo on! We’ll let you know when they are done and ready for pick up. Stay tuned.
A teeny, tiny bit more on hydration…
In regard to the note earlier this week on Hydration and Safety, which you can read here if you happened to have missed it => https://goparr.com/week-10-
- Silverlake – Playground by the Silverlake Clubhouse on Southwyck, which also has one for your pooch
- At Recycling Center near the entrance to the new trail on Magnolia
- Across the street from the Recycling Center in oddly placed sitting area
- Two at Centennial Park
- Turner has TWO by the restrooms that are cold, I’ve been told
- Also, GAS STATIONS on Magnolia (at CR 94, Veterans and 2 at Hwy 35)
This is my favorite running subject. If you ever run with me and even act mildly interested, I can’t help but discuss them for the remainder of the run. And because I write the emails, I get the write about them too. I LOVE THEM. I love the running part, the walking part, the math part, and most especially…the PR part. For those that are trying them out this season, lots of discussion around running pace “whilst” running. So I wanted to send out the run/walk calculator that is in the Links section of the Member Area: http://www.thatpagethere.com/
Saturday Details
The days of trying to finish at the same time will be far and few between, unless we are having a guest speaker…which we are working through getting those set up! So each distance (all groups) will be departing at the same time with a staggered finish again. This week, we will be departing out of Turner High School 4717 Bailey Road Pearland, TX 77584 – also see Ric’s wise words below on how to run these fast finish runs.
5:00AM Full Marathon – All Groups – 14 Mile Route – http://www.mapmyrun.com/
6:00AM Half Marathon – All Groups – 6 Mile Route – http://www.mapmyrun.com/
Note from Ric on Fast Finish & Long Run Nutrition: This weekend will be the first of several “fast finish” runs. These training runs are designed to give you the opportunity to practice what you will be doing in your goal or planned race. For those of you that have been running without energy supplements and/or breakfast, you can now use them for these training runs. From this point forward, we will be practicing a lot of what you will be doing on “race” day. We will also be varying the distances throughout the remainder of the season. Each week the distance increases, you can practice your nutrition. On days when we are at lower miles, you train your body to burn fat (breakfast but no supplements). All fast finish training should be done fully fueled as you intend to on race day.
Now for nutrition: There is no magic formula, I’m sorry to say, but rather individual based on the type and how much supplement you will need. This is mainly be because our bodies all process carbohydrates and sugars at different rates. I would suggest that you start out at about 40-60 grams of carbs per hour of running. You may need more or less depending on your pace and weight. This is why we are going to practice. I recommend that you have a well-balanced breakfast prior to the run/race that includes not only carbohydrates but some protein as well. In addition, I’m a proponent of also taking some protein along the way, perhaps in the form of an energy bar about half way through. I suggest you practice using different types of supplements such as the gels, chomps, gummy bears, etc. and then plan on using the variety that works for you during your run/race. Start taking your supplement about 30 minutes after starting the run/race. Keep taking them every 45-50 minutes thereafter. For our fast finish run that is only 6 or 14 miles, you will not have an opportunity to take too many, but it will give you a chance to test a variety. One rule of thumb that I use is to try a lot of different things on these short runs and if I feel a little sick after words, I know that is because that one did not agree with me or that it was too much simple sugar. Simple sugars can go to your head (literally) pretty fast and can give you a sugar rush so you have to adjust to make sure you get the right amount. Keep in mind that whatever you do in training, plan to do those exact same things during your race…don’t change them. We should be training to do what we plan to do in the race. The other thing you don’t want to do is to wait too long to start taking the energy supplement. For some of us, our digestive system will actually shutdown on these long runs or races since our bodies are trying to find all the carbohydrates energy they can. So the digestive system is perceived to be not needed, and to conserve energy it shuts down and all the supplements in the world are not going to help. So, take them early in your run/race and at the same intervals even if in small amounts so you train your digestive system as well. Taking them when you are tired is too late.
Pace: For the first fast finish run, since it is still a bit warm. The first miles should be run at FM or HM plus 1.5 minutes pace . I suggest that you run the first half a little slower than the last half of the miles to get used to starting slow and ending fast. The last two miles should be at your Pace Booster pace or faster, which would be FM minus 15-30 seconds pace.
Don’t hesitate to let me know if you have any questions. Happy Runs, Y’all!
Aimee Galley