WEEK 4 – A Note on Groups

Hi y’all, Well….there were just a few corrections and movements. Just kidding. There were a ton. Thank you to everyone who replied! Made it super easy. I’ve gone in and made the requested changes for the PACE GROUP page….so take a peek and verify I got it right. If not, please just REPLY to this email!… Read More

WEEK 4 – Saturday – 08/13/16

Hi y’all, Quick note…but important info, so please take a hot minute to read! Pace Groups We made a first pass at placing folks in pace groups for the Full & Half Training. HOLY COW there are a lot of you! So bear with us as we try to get everyone where they need to… Read More

WEEK 3 – 08/06/16

Hi Y’all, I hope everyone had a great week.  We are back on the hills this week to continue to build up our base.  We’ve got a total of 5 more Saturdays of hills, but who’s counting, right?!?  Your body will THANK YOU come that first long, easy run. Pace Groups & Magic Mile Make-up… Read More

Saturday Run – 08/08/15 – Turner High School & Pace Groups

Hi y’all, We are back at the hill this week for our 3rd week of hills…and after  Saturday, we will be HALF WAY through Saturday hills!  Please note that we scooted the time a little earlier this week to try to keep ahead of the sun as much as we can.  It is so gross out… Read More