WEEK 2 – Saturday – 07/22/17 – Turner

Hi Y’all,

This week’s email is brought to you by LAURENCE!  And I couldn’t be more thankful!  We’re working on getting a separate email set up for him to send from the system, but in the meantime, I’m sending on his behalf.  If you reply to this email…still me.  If you send a message to info@goparr.com, still me. If you go to the website and fill out a form…still me.  If you would like to reach Laurence – use his direct email ltien69@gmail.com.

Y’all have a great run,



Week TWO.  I offered to help Aimee write the weekly emails without thinking about the ramifications and pressure of trying to be as funny, witty and informative. Aimee has a gift I do not possess so to avoid future disappointment, please lower your expectations when you read the following the email/post from me.

We hope you all had a good week of training. We will cap off the week with a social/recovery run tomorrow at 5:15 a.m. at Turner Track and then our customary Saturday long run, as explained below.  We encourage our veteran and new members to participate in the Friday social run. The Friday runs should be easy and this will be especially important when the Saturday runs increase in miles and time.  It’s also great way to meet new members and a neighbor in your community.

We hope all/most of the email issues have been resolved and we do encourage our members to get on Facebook because this is where many of our members post and organize daily runs.

We need everyone to do their best to submit their magic miles and/or provide a time of a recent race so we can place you into the appropriate pace group. The sooner we are able to do this, the sooner the groups can be created which allows you to find comparable running partners. Please email me your time, paces at ltien69@gmail.com if you haven’t already.


The FM and HM switch the runs from last week with the FM hitting the hills this week and the HM will be on the road. So this week the HM will be doing just a timed run, while the FM folks head to Bailey Bridge to do their first Hill Workout.  We will meet back at the Track for a CORE workout led by Caroline/Kaylin, wrapping up by 7:15ish.  BRING A MAT OR TOWEL.  Your elbows and knees will hate you if you don’t.

FM: 5:30AM –  60-minutes with 6 HILLs on Bailey Bridge + CORE.

HM: 6:00AM – Easy 45 minutes run + CORE – you’ll run out the back of the track behind PJHS up MacLean, Left on Magnolia and turn around at 22-23 minutes.  This is a great time to start getting to know people who are running your similar pace so if you’re running around someone for the first few minutes, there’s a good chance that person may be someone you will run with during the entire season. Please introduce yourself and take the opportunity to meet a potential future lifelong friend.

Daniel’s Note on Running Hills from Last Week for the FM: Running hills improves leg and heart strength, central nervous system stamina, and forces you to lift your knees (a desirable trait in running form). Running uphill reduces the impact forces on your feet and legs, but be careful while running downhill to not over stress your knees. While running uphill, your stride should be slightly shorter than on a flat surface and you should be looking directly ahead (not down). While running downhill, be sure to not overstride (try landing with your feet directly beneath your hips and let gravity carry you downhill). One way to accomplish this is to increase your cadence (# of steps per minute) while running downhill.  Increasing your cadence/strides downhill will also reduce the impact on your legs.

There are a variety of ways to tackle hill workouts, but we will keep it simple for the first week. We’ll start at Turner track, do a warm up run to Bailey Bridge, via back side of Natatorium and along Bailey Road.  Once you get to Bailey Bridge, run uphill at Marathon Pace and then run downhill at a slower, easier pace to recover and relax your breath. Once you have reached the base of the other side of the bridge, immediately turn around and repeat going the opposite direction. Try not to stop unless necessary.  One uphill counts as 1 hill.  A roundtrip up, down, and back over will count as 2 hills.  Continue this for the assigned workout, 4 hills for the week 1 half marathoners.  Once you have completed 6 hills, please run back to Turner at an easy conversational pace to complete your 60 minute workout.
