Hi Y’all,
I hope everyone had a great week. HM are back on the hills and FM out for minutes this week to continue to build up our base. We’ve got a total of 6 more Saturdays of hills, but who’s counting, right?!? Your body will THANK YOU come that first long, easy run.
We updated the schedule just a bit…we got ourselves all sorts of confused last week with the Friday Recover Run start time and got it fixed on here and a few other tweaks. Be patient. We are tweakers. FRIDAY RECOVERY RUNS are at 5:15AM, and this week is out of Wild Pear.
TRACK. I think we had over 70 people out at the different track meet-ups this week. I’m not even believing it. Rogers Track Wed at 4:30AM probably had 50+, Turner Wed at 7:00PM at 10+ and Turner Th at 4:30AM also had 10+…And most impressive is Meredith and Marsha knocking it out on their own Wed at 4:30AM at Turner. In other words…the opportunity is there for you. I HIGHLY recommend you trying it. As much as I have loathed speed work for the past 8 years, I now look forward to it. YOU CAN TEACH AN OLD DOG NEW TRICKS, FRIENDS. Give it a try…more than once. Because there are days it just sucks, so we go home and pretend that day didn’t happen and just show up the next week.
…steps off soapbox
Pace Groups
Laurence and Daniel are continuing to work on pace groups. We’ll get those up as soon as we get everyone situated. With so many new people…there are a lot we just don’t know what to do with! Like a lot of you. But don’t worry about all of that for one minute. We’re not going anywhere for another month…Turner High School is where it’s at. But you can help us out.
NEW FOLKS to PARR this year that haven’t done the Magic Mile. Will you help us out by doing one of the following:
A) Do the magic mile and let us know your time
B) Help us out with a previous race time
C) Remember this request when you wonder why you’re not in a group 🙂
There are also many that indicated HM/FM or HM/Walk, so we’re not quite sure what to do with you. We could just tell you what you’re training for, but chances are you won’t like that one bit. So we will be putting with the HM group unless we hear from you.
Getting Social
Last year, we did a few Guest Speakers that we had come talk in the evening and got a great response. So we are running with that {literally and figuratively} and have a great line up for the season. We’re kicking it off this Friday, July 28 at 6:30PM at Wild Pear with THE David Rosenthal discussing running GEAR and all the things you didn’t know you might need. Will be a great time to ask all those questions to David or fellow PARR members…because WE ARE FULL OF OPINIONS.
Saturday – Haven’t we been here before?
Full Marathon: 5:30AM – Meet at Turner High School Track for 75-90 minutes of EASY RUN. Out the back of the school and right up McLean and left on Magnolia until you get to 37-45 minutes, turn around and come back for CORE at 7:00AM
Half Marathon: 5:45AM – Meet at Turner High School Track for Hills – 4 to 6 HILLS – 50 minutes on Bailey Bridge and back for CORE at 7:00AM (For some this will get you back in PLENTY of time, but want to give all paces the chance to get to Bailey and back in time for CORE)
The group will then meet back at the track at 7:00AM for CORE work and should be wrapped up by about 7:15AM. Be sure to bring your mat or towel…that track is tough on planking elbows.
A reminder of HILLS…read what we said originally here.
Please let us know if you have any questions. Have a great run!
Aimee Galley
281-728-4848 cell