Hello ……it’s me (Kaylin) ……(Adele sultry singing voice) ?
Another weekly dose of PARR news here.
On the racing front, WE SEE YOU!!! Lots of fun races, and OH the PR’s and “Racing Firsts” abound!! We see you from College Station, to San Antonio, from Memphis to Sacramento from Trail runs to Hills….ya’ll are ROCKIN’ it and WE SEE YOU!! We are SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!!! THIS is what it’s all about ya’ll – the victory laps (and the selfies!)
High Five to our BFF Dave Rosenthal of Wild Pear for the pancakes, sausage, OJ and Tart Cherry Juice last week!!! He single-handedly cooked breakfast as we ran, and let me tell you, we ate every single last one of those pancakes and sausage links !!! Thank you Dave ? We love you!!
Scheduled Saturday December 14, 2019 Run Details – Start at KROGER !! (that’s right, back to Tom Bass Park (TBP)!)
It worked out so well when we tried this a few weeks ago, as promised, the Tom Bass Park (TBP) route is on rotation!!
Some reminders:
** Please do not park up close to the strip center stores, as some of us may still be out running when a few of the stores start to open in the am. If we could migrate towards the BACK of the parking lot (BACK meaning the part closest to 518, between McDonalds and the Gas station), they may be a little happier about us using their BIG lot for our run start ?
** PLEASE, let’s all cross the street from the Kroger’s side to the Post Office side of Cullen at the LIGHT just before you get to the POLICE STATION!! Safety first, and crossing a little further down from the busy 518 intersection is safer for our big ‘ole Orange Group! DON’T give drivers a heart attack by going rogue and jetting across the road when it’s not our turn…..patience ya’ll! ? We know “you got this,” but they don’t know that you see them, and this is how accidents happen. Don’t be “that runner”…..
** A note about the route – for the full marathoners, the route has a little out-and-back on McHard on the way to TBP and also the way back. Please note that the McHard sidewalk is a bit narrow as you approach Country Place subdivision (think Bailey Bridge narrow), so please keep to single file in that section in the case of oncoming runners!!! The half marathon group and walkers do not have this McHard piece of the route!! ?
FM – 5:15 AM (remember, TBP opens at 6am!!) – MARATHON PACE RUN: 18 Miles The purpose of this workout is mental preparation for the Marathon.
4 miles easy, 60 minutes at marathon pace, finish with easy pace.
NOTE: 2 FULL LOOPS around TBP (approx.. 4.5 miles each) and includes an out-and-back on McHard both directions.
The purpose of this workout is mental preparation for Race Day. 4 miles easy, 60 minutes at marathon pace, finish with easy pace.
NOTE: Includes 1 FULL LOOP around TBP, plus an extra 2nd loop around the first trail.
Walking Group – 5:45 AM – 8-9 Miles ( a little over 8…)
NOTE: Includes 1 FULL LOOP around TBP
**Water is already automatically located throughout TBP with the nifty water fountains (that I hear are working!) There will also be water located inside TBP between the first and second trail (to be placed there after the park opens at 6am.) ?
We’re in the home stretch, y’all. We only have five weeks left in the season. But there are still lots of miles to run. And we all know how great that ice cold water tastes at mile 16! There are still spots available if you are able to help. Feel free to reply to this email or contact Travis Shirley and we’ll get you plugged in.
This is becoming an annual thing for us at Christmas ?
Come run an easy 5K (or 5 miles, it’s your choice) in your jammies from the Stella Recycling Center on Friday December 20th @ 5am.
Christmas PJ’s, lights, Santa/Elf hats, crazy socks/gloves, antlers???? Wear it all!!
We want ALL PACES to come out and join us!! This is an easy, conversational, FUN RUN!! (think spring time Social Run) The kind where there’s lots of smiles, laughter and chatter! (maybe even some holiday music!) In fact, I’d say that no Garmins are allowed, but that might freak some people out just a little too much, so I’ll leave it at that 😉
One of our favorite things, besides all the miles, is our end of the season celebration! We’re changing it up this year! You MUST REGISTER – the date is FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 2020.
And we have a NEW LOCATION (well, new to US) and the PARRty will be at GolfCrest Country Club (yes, in Green Tee in the middle of Pearland!)
Even if you are a registered PARR Member, and even though it’s FREE for you to attend, you MUST REGISTER!!! You can bring 1 guest and the cost for guests is $15.00. This year includes a CASH BAR.
Register HERE: PARR-ty Registration!!
Again, you MUST let us know you are coming (the earlier the better) and registration WILL close on December 30th as we have to give our FINAL HEADCOUNT to the venue in advance. If you have not registered (even if you are a member), you will NOT be let in at the door. Sorry!!! You MUST register in advance. ?
If you are new-ish to PARR, you may have noticed, our routes are never the precise exact mileage that is called for in the plan for that day. In fact, you’d be hard pressed to find any route that wasn’t over the prescribed mileage by at least a “.18” or something. Why?? Well, over the years, we have come to see that ALL of our lovely GPS watches track mileage differently. It’s tracked via satellite. Even 2 runners running side by side could show to be running a different pace (which translates to distance.) SO – to try and keep you from having to run loops at the end of your long run in the Wild Pear parking lot so you can end at 18.0 instead of 17.967432, we purposefully plan routes slightly long, because, well, we have found that the majority of us just like it that way better ?
Run Happy Ya’ll,