Hey Y’all,
It’s Caroline edition this week so get ready for a few extra CAPS! ? Can you even believe how fast this season is flying? Y’all, only 6 weeks to go. You know what that means, right? If it’s flying, we must be having all kinds of fun!! Lol ? Keep posting those “longest runs ever” pics—we have some big ones still ahead, and of course –all of the fun RACE pics! We love celebrating with you! Most importantly, be sure you are taking care of YOU. Listen to your body, if an extra rest day is needed, TAKE IT! In addition to all the miles, remember to rest, stretch, roll, stretch, and then stretch some more! We want everyone at the starting line on race day, feeling good and ready for that victory lap!
On the racing front, we had a super fun time with some of our PARR ladies at RunGirl last weekend! Ladies, you’ve gotta look that one up. Mimosas at the finish, I mean really?! Join us next year! We have folks travelling all over this weekend. Some are headed to College Station for the BCS Half and Full Marathon! Others are headed to Rock-N- Roll in San Antonio and Meredith Mooney is headed just south to conquer her very first FULL Marathon at Brazos Bend! WhoooHooo! Go get it y’all! I am pretty certain I missed other racing plans so please post those pics so we can share the PARR love.
PARR continues to AMAZE me every year with the KIND HEARTS and SWEET SOULS that help make this happen! Thanks to YOU guys, our two Angel Families will have an UNFORGETTABLE Christmas. THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!! THANK YOU for your generosity!
All items will need to be taken to Lisa Sanchez’s house WRAPPED and TAGGED with the LETTER, ITEM Number and YOUR NAME – NO LATER THAN DEC 11, as the delivery date is immediately following. If you need to make special arrangements, please let us know early. Lisa makes all of this happen for these families and we’re just her elves!
Lisa’s address:
2105 Stonehollow Ct
Pearland TX 77581
Lisa’s Cell: 713-444-0472
ALTERNATE DROP LOCATION: Our BFFs at Wild Pear have also agreed to be a drop location, but also by December 11.
Scheduled Saturday December 7, 2019 Run Details – Start at Wild Pear
FM – 5:00 AM – 18 Miles at conversational easy pace, 1-2 minutes slower than marathon pace. You have the option to add 1-2 miles so if you’re feeling good and want the additional distance, feel free to add. Route: https://www.mapmyrun.com/routes/fullscreen/2336550433/
***Then, enjoy pancakes!***
HM – 5:30 AM – 13 Miles at conversational easy pace, 1-2 minutes slower than marathon pace. Route: https://www.mapmyrun.com/routes/fullscreen/2336558077/
***Then, enjoy pancakes!***
Walking Group – 5:30 AM – 11 Miles Route: https://www.mapmyrun.com/routes/fullscreen/1892919758/
***Then, enjoy pancakes!***
Water will be at Southeast corner of Magnolia and McClean Rd.
#PARRPancakeRefuel – THIS SATURDAY!!!!!
During our long run THIS SATURDAY, rumor has it… from a pretty reliable source… that some elves will be busily cooking up breakfast! Can you say PANCAKE REFUEL??? Sounds pretty genius to me! Make plans to join us THIS SATURDAY for a pancake breakfast post-run cooked especially for us by the elves of Wild Pear! You don’t want to miss out.
One of our favorite things, besides all the miles, is our end of the season celebration! We’re changing it up this year! Mark your calendar for FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 2020 as the date for the PARRty! YOU WILL RECEIVE A SPECIAL PARRty Edition EMAIL soon. You MUST let us know you are coming (the earlier the better) and registration WILL close early as we have to give our final numbers to the venue in advance.
Happy Running!
Caroline ?