Saturday – 08/29/15 – Turner High School

Hi Y’all,

LAST WEEK OF HILLS! It’s about time.   I hate to break it to you, Bailey Bridge…I’m just not that into you.  We had a good run…but after Saturday, I need some space 🙂


We have just about got everyone placed in a Pace Group…there are just a few of you left who will now be stalked. Worried? If your name is HERE, then help me get you in the correct pace group!  Just reply to this email and we can figure it out together!

Drum Roll, Please

We’ve got our Pace Group Leaders all set. These will be your “people” for the season…the people to reach out to regarding your group, the runs, all that good stuff. They will be introducing themselves to you in the coming week. All we’ve asked of them, myself included…is to be a focal point for you. Someone near your pace, training for the same distance you are…that can make sure you get connected as much as you want to be connected. If you’re injured, let them know. If you’re having a hard time finding someone to run with, let them know. They certainly won’t be at all of the runs. WHO DOES THAT ANYWAY?!? But they will be checking in with you throughout the season. They aren’t expected to be coaches…but Group {Cheer}Leaders, you could say. Minus pom-poms and flips.

So….here’s our 2015-2016 PARR Starting Line-up:

Half Marathon

Orange – Katie Harvey

Yellow – Julio Quiralte

Purple – Tina Gutierrez

Green – Candi Ihnen, Paula Cameron, Sasha Buchheit

Full Marathon

Black – Ric Hartung

Blue – Aimee Galley

Silver – Pam Noey, Frankie Zucha

Red – Cynthia Everett, Jhopi Thornton

Saturday Info

Last week’s “parting of the bridges” seemed to work well, so we will be doing that again for our FINAL WEEK O’ HILLS. And really, it’s Thursday…too tired to brainstorm a better idea.

These runs are done on time, not distance…so they are designed for everyone to get back after their designated minutes, with both FM and HM ending at the same time (again…high math y’all, high math). Everyone needs to adjust their warm up to leave enough time to get their hills in…and get back to the track for CORE at the designated time. That math is all on you 🙂 I’m adding a little bit of padding for everyone to collect themselves…so CORE WILL START AT 7:15AM on Saturday.

FM: Depart Turner High School at 5:15AM for 110 minutes and 12 HILLS. You’ll run behind turner to McClean. You can turn into the neighborhood if you want a longer warm up, then head up to Magnolia and turn RIGHT. The MAGNOLIA BRIDGE is where you will do your 12 HILLS. IT’S YOUR BRIDGE. Then do a cool down and you should be back to Turner at 7:05AM

HM: Depart Turner High School at 5:45AM for 80 minutes and 8 HILLS. You’ll do a warm up to your liking, and then head to the BAILEY BRIDGE. You’ll do your hills here, then a cool down and should be back at the track at 7:05AM.

First time doing hills? Read what Ric had to say week 1 here:

Last call, y’all

Registration for PARR will close on Monday. So if your people are still hmming and hawing about whether to join, tell them to get off that pot.   There are miles to be run.

Happy last week of hills!  Let me know if you have any questions!

Aimee Galley

281-728-4848 cell