Hi Y’all,
We’re coming up on MAGIC MILE DAY. Are you ready for this? Of course you are. It’s a mile. You’ve been running much farther than that for the past 6 weeks! Granted, it will be one of the more difficult miles you run. The Magic Mile is exactly a mile run on the track and meant to test your absolute BEST time for that distance. You’ll feel like you’re in the 5th grade doing the 40 yard dash against your arch enemy. This is a very useful piece of information that we’ll use to guide us in our training. This mile gives us an indication of everyone’s fitness level and can determine the best training paces for YOU. As Ric has mentioned over and over…one of the most common problems people have is that they train too fast, and in turn wear out or get injured. Our goal is to keep everyone running healthy and strong!
Once we run this, we’ll be placed into pace groups based on those times. These are not hard set groups, we know people want to run with their friends…and that’s fine. We are not the boss of you. You can run whatever you want. You’ll still want to know this Magic Mile time. It’s just good stuff. And who knows, you might like training with people that are at your pace! We’ll be sending some additional information out and getting it on the website about what you will DO with this information.
We will meet at 6:00AM at the track at the Pearland Jr South on Bailey Road (same place we’ve been meeting at the track). Ric will be coordinating the warm up stretches and then he will give us some specific instructions for how the mile is run and how it is timed. Then we’ll run the mile in groups and capture everyone’s times. Once everyone has completed it, we’ll get placed in our groups and then we’ll do some core work. There will be no organized run following the Magic Mile. Please note “organized” because I know someone won’t be able to stand just running 1 mile on Saturday.
Wait, what?! You’re going to miss on Saturday? No worries. Just go run your mile on the track (after a good 15-20 min warm up) when you can and send in your time to us. Ric really wants to have this info…like I said, it helps for coaching, guidance and training planning. Also, for those interested, a group is planning to meet on Friday (tomorrow) at 6:00AM at the PJHS track to do this. I’ll post on the FB group so folks can let us know they’re coming.
We’ve gotten a few questions on PARR shirts…next week we’ll get started on that! So stay tuned and SHOW UP next week 🙂
Let me know if you have any questions…and we’ll see you Saturday!