Saturday Run – 09/20/14 Last Hills…Really

Hi Y’all, As I mentioned in my note Monday…THIS is the last week of hills, for reals!  Whether you’re doing hills on Bailey Bridge or out in Kemah for the 1st Bridge Series run…this is the last week of the Saturday hill repeats!  THEN we can celebrate.

NEED HELP!  Are you running the bridge on Saturday morning?  Do you LOVE that ice cold water out there?  Are you thankful that someone gets up even earlier than you do to make sure we have ice cold water? If you answered yes to these questions…then we need a little help!  Travis is going to put the water out early, but won’t be there to pick it up after the run.  Can someone commit to doing this for us this Saturday?  Will be a huge help.  We’ve had a jug stolen before, so we don’t want to take any chances leaving it until one of us gets back from the Bridge Run.  Please reply to me if you’re able to do that!

For those running the Bridge Race in Kemah on Saturday, a caravan is planning to meet in Lowe’s parking lot at Pearland Parkway and FM518 at 5:45AM. Then people can drive / catch rides.  Other plans? Post on FB if you want others to join you!  AND meet up before the race for one of the epic PARR race pics!  It’s always difficult to plan a meeting spot at the races, but we typically congregate behind the port-a-potty lines near the start line.  Of course, this is assuming there are porta-potties near the start line.  LOOK FOR THE ORANGE SWARM OF PEOPLE!  And don’t forget to post all your fun pics from race day!  Gonna be a warm one!

Also, Saturday is the last day to order your shirts! Visit  (remember, you have to be logged into to be able to order). If you have an orange shirt you want printed, please email Sandy at  and she can arrange getting your shirt(s). Please have them in a Baggie with your name on the bag and shirt along with $5 per shirt. All orders will go in Saturday, printed together and Sandy will distribute by October 11.

Pace Groups…I’ve been stalking people who haven’t let me know what group they need to be placed in…I’m down to 4 people!   Please make this easy, and just reply to either that email or this one and let me know where you should be!  We want to connect Group Leaders to their groups…and I’m sure you’d like one less email from me!  Still don’t know where you should be…visit here

This week’s run for those not doing the bridge race will be just more of the same – meet at Pearland Jr High South/Turner Track.  FM meet at 5:35AM and doing 120 minutes (8-10 hills) and HM meet at 6:05 and doing 90 minutes (8-10 hills).  We won’t have organized core work, so make sure you get yours in at some point this weekend.  Want some ideas?  Visit , pick four exercises and do three sets of 10.  I’m including the hill work instructions below as well.

Everyone have a great run…either with a bib or without!

Aimee  |  281-728-4848

Hills Instructions:

You will see when you are on the sidewalk next to Bailey Road (CR 101) just past the natatorium on your left an orange line going across the sidewalk. This will be the start of the mile across the bridge. We should have ice towels and cold water at this location as well. Just prior to starting up the hill (bridge) you will see another mark across the sidewalk indicating a quarter mile from the start line. You will see a third mark (1/2 mile) at the top of the bridge, another on the flat portion on the other side (3/4 mile) and the fifth and final mark about 50 yards or so from HWY 35. This is the 1-mile mark and the point in which we will always turn around. And remember, the paces mentioned below are based on your Magic Mile time and can be found at      Please read below to see which is the best fit for you in the following categories:

If you have not run very much in the last 3 months (less than 10 miles a week) OR  New to running OR Do not desire to improve speed Do the following: – Do a warm up jog from the track to the neighborhood behind the jr high, right on Veterans and then left on Bailey to the second mark on the sidewalk (just before heading up the bridge). Run a 4:1 interval to this point (run 4 minutes and walk 1 minute) – Increase speed slightly going up the hill working on your cadence (180 steps per minute) – Walk down the hill to the next line. – Do slow jog to the next line (HWY 35) – Turn around and start slow jog to the line just prior to the going up the bridge. – Increase speed slightly going up the hill working on cadence – Walk down the hill to the next line. – Do slow jog to the next line and turn around and repeat – Repeat the steps above for a total 8 Hills and then run back toward track and around neighborhood for a total of 90 minutes for HM and 120 minutes for FM. In other words, once you finish your hills, run until your minutes are up.

If you have been running for the last 3 months or so and > 10 miles a week Do the following: – Do a warm up jog from the track to the neighborhood behind the jr high, right on Veterans and then left on Bailey to the to the ¼ mile or second mark on the sidewalk (just before heading up the bridge). Run a 4:1 interval to this point (run 4 minutes and walk 1 minute) – Increase speed to about your 10K race pace (MM + 1:30 Minutes) going up the hill working on your cadence (180 steps per minute) – Slow Jog down the hill to the next line making sure that your stride is very short. If you are having a hard time keeping your stride or cadence down the hill at 180, then feel free to walk so as not to increase the risk of injury –  Do slow jog to the next line (HWY 35) – Turn around and walk for 2-3 minutes or to the next line if needed to bring heart rate down. –  Increase speed to your 10K race pace going up the hill working on cadence –  Slow Jog down the hill to the next line making sure that your stride is very short. If you are having a hard time keeping your stride or cadence down the hill at 180, then feel free to walk so as not to increase the risk of injury – Do slow jog to the next line and turn around and repeat – Repeat the steps above for a total of 9 Hills and then run back toward track and around neighborhood for a total of 90 minutes for HM and 120 minutes for FM. In other words, once you finish your hills, run until your minutes are up.

If you have been running for the year or and have been running about > 15 miles a week for the last month or so: Do the following: – Do a warm up jog from the track to the neighborhood behind the jr high, right on Veterans and then left on Bailey to the to the ¼ mile or second mark on the sidewalk (just before heading up the bridge). – Increase speed to about your MM pace going up the hill working on your cadence (180 steps per minute) – Slow to FM + 1 minute pace down the hill to the next line making sure that your stride is very short. If you are having a hard time keeping your stride or cadence down the hill at 180, then feel free to walk so as not to increase the risk of injury – Slow to FM + 2 to the next line (HWY 35) – Turn around and walk for 2-3 minutes or to the next line if needed to bring heart rate down. – Increase speed to about your MM pace going up the hill working your cadence (180 steps per minute) – Slow to FM + 1 minute pace down the hill to the next line making sure that your stride is very short. If you are having a hard time keeping your stride or cadence down the hill at 180, then feel free to walk so as not to increase the risk of injury – Slow to FM + 2 to the next line (Start) and turn around and repeat – Repeat the steps above for a total of 10 Hills and then run back toward track and around neighborhood for a total of 90 minutes for HM and 120 minutes for FM. In other words, once you finish your hills, run until your minutes are up.