On Speed Work

Hi y’all,

Hope everyone had a great weekend, whether you made to the hill or not!

I’m updating everyone’s Magic Mile time. If you did on your own…please email it to me.  We are working to get the pace groups together in the coming week and want to make sure we get everyone connected to the appropriate groups.  After our several years of doing this, we know that the best way to ensure success is to  GET FOLKS CONNECTED!  So…plan to get bugged if I haven’t heard from you 🙂

We created a THIS WEEK page in the Member’s Area that has the week’s schedule.  This is straight off the schedule, but hopefully useful on the go.  Don’t forget to utilize the TRAINING PACES page to know what your paces should be for these runs.

And on that now, Ric is sharing some good info on the Facebook Group. If you’re not there yet, be sure to request to join: https://www.facebook.com/groups/246625075376797/ – lots of discussion as well.  I realize that not everyone is on FB, so I will try to send out some of his gems.  Below is an important note on speed work.

Please don’t hesitate to let me  know if you have any questions.  Lots of info coming at one time. If you’re new…you can always access the emails that have gone out in the PAST EMAILS section of the Member’s Area to get caught up!

Aimee Galley

cell 281-728-4848  |  aimee.galley2@gmail.com

Ric on Speed Work:

Congratulations on finishing your first full week of H/FM training. As I told some of you on Saturday, remember that this is a marathon (pun intended) and not a sprint. So make sure you don’t over do it or over train. Sometimes we have a great week and we have the desire to want to go out an do a few extra miles or run a little faster than what we should. Call it what you will, but over training is the fastest way to injury there is and can come from ramping miles to quickly…, running to fast on easy runs, and doing speed work without allowing the proper amount of recovery time. Remember the 80/20 rule…80% of all running should be easy and 20% faster (pace booster, speed, etc.). I would say that the majority of you are still running to fast. I know it is hard to do but believe me slow leads to faster endurance running in the end. Each week should build on the previous week so make sure you are get ting the proper amount of rest or recovery after each run. The last thing we want to happen to any one of you is for you to get injured. So here are a few tips to attempt to keep the injury bug away:

– If you are new to running or have not been running more than 10-15 miles a week for at least 6 weeks or so, I would suggest that you go very easy on the speed work (work we do that is on the schedule for Monday) if at all. Also, you want to make sure that as you begin (start from the beginning of the schedule and don’t skip one and go to the next if you miss a week), start the speed work on the slow end and don’t advance to the nearly sprint speed at all (stay at about MM minus 30 seconds as the fastest).

– If you do speed work and feel any pain, stop; do not do anymore until the pain goes away. You can continue to run and work on building aerobic fitness and only try speed again when you are pain free. Running fast (Monday work), will only make an injury worse or can lead to even more serious injuries that can take weeks or months to heal.

– Make sure that each run is preceded by a good amount of stretching and core work. I cannot over emphasis the need for a good core base. You may not want to do the things that we do as a group that Kaylin & Caroline have put together for us because you have things that work for you…please by all means do the things that work for you but DO THEM!

– Do not do speed or power work on back-to-back days. Always allow at least one day of recovery before speed or power training. As we get further in the program, we will be adding some easy days in between but those will be after we have sufficient aerobic fitness. If you have tired muscles, the speed or power work will essentially be a waste of time anyway. From a heart rate standpoint that means your resting heart rate is more than 2 beats per minute higher than your normal resting heart rate. If it is higher, make it any easy day or take a rest day. Resist the urge to run anyway.
