Saturday Run – 09/27/14 – Progression Run

Hi Y’all,

WOOHOOO!  Guess what? Not one hill this weekend. Not even a bump.  You barely have to lift your foot for the sidewalk cracks.

But we have one CORRECTION to the schedule for this week!  FM will be doing a 90 minute progression run and HM a 60 minute progression run. (Time based FM folks, also 90 minute progression run, no intervals). 

What’s a progression run, you ask?!  You run a progression run with the goal for your overall pace to be your FM or HM pace, depending on what race you’re doing.  And here’s the kicker…no heat adjustments on paces.  Ric said this is supposed to be a really hard run for everyone and that will be sure to do it!  What this means is you will run the first 1/3 of your run at a pace 15-30 sec slower than your FM/HM pace, the middle 1/3 AT your FM/HM pace and the last 1/3 15-30 sec faster than your FM/HM pace (REMINDER: all your paces can be found here, based on your MM, 5K, previous HM or FM   Still don’t know?  Look at the group you are in here  and look at the MM range and see where you fall. You will also be doing the same intervals you’ve been doing all season. Ric suggests starting those right away on these runs (i.e. no warm up).  And if you’re confused on what your “whilst running pace” is, this cool little calculator helps with that – just enter your you overall goal pace and a walking pace of 17-18 minutes and VIOLA!

These training paces are SUPER helpful.  Some days you’ll feel like you’re running way too slow…other days {like Saturday} will seem like you’re running way too fast.  AND THAT’S OKAY.  We need to trick our legs and our minds by mixing it up all the time!

So…plan is to meet at Wild Pear Running Store (9330 Broadway Pearland TX 77584) on Saturday morning at 5:50AM for the FM group and 6:20AM for the HM.  Groups will meet and take off together will run through the parking lot to the PB and down CR 90.  Left on Northfork, Right on Cullen, Left on Magnolia.  The turnaround times for the HM should be 32 minutes and 47 minutes for the FM (Remember, you’re running the second half of the run faster!).  There will be water at the corner of Cullen and Magnolia, but be sure to bring water with you.  While the water that is out there is so nice, we all need to be carrying enough water to run at least 90 minutes.  Depending on how many people show up, how hot it is…the water may run out occasionally!   So whether your HM or FM…wear your water!  Then after the run, some good ol’ stretching and CORE!

I’ll get an updated master schedule up on the website this weekend (after another pass to catch any little whoops that made it through). Please let me know if you have any questions.  Looking forward to seeing EVERYONE out there this weekend!  This is when the fun stuff starts…

Happy run y’all,
