Hi Y’all,
Did you enjoy that built in week of RECOVERY?!? Did you listen, or did you ignore it and power on? I promise the recovery stuff does your body good. But I also know it’s sometimes hard to do when you’re on a roll!
Just checking in… Are you keeping up with the schedule? Or maybe a modified schedule? Or are you needing a plan B? We’ve still got 11 weeks, so plenty of time to regroup and get where you need to be. Are you getting what you want out of the group? You gotta let us know so we can help!
Visors and Hats are IN
David said he’s got the Headsweats visors and hats…along with a list of who reserved! So be sure to go in and pick up your order! He said he will hopefully have some extras too…
Racers, take your mark…
GOOD LUCK to all the folks heading up to the Houston Half on Sunday! I was re-reading my email from last year and it was having to talk everyone off the ledge after they had {rightfully so} cancelled the race due to stormy/unsafe conditions. GUESS WHAT…weather is clear! Looks like everyone is planning to meet up at 6:30AM just outside the park entrance to the right (the park itself is great to check out, but kind of a cluster). Should be easy to find each other with the sea of orange…
Saturday Plan
Well, I tried something different and created a poll on FB to get a feel for what folks were wanting on start times. Mainly, does the majority want an official earlier start time? And as of the writing of this email, with a total 92 responses …57% FM want an earlier 4:30AM Start Time…and 57% of HM is happy with their regular 5:30AM start time. With the knowledge that everyone will do what they wanna do anyway, this week we’ll go with official start times that were voted. Then, because the poll was so much fun, I’ll poll everyone again 🙂
What are we doing? Another great long easy run…getting time on your feet. No rush. Put the miles in, don’t worry about your pace or if you can go faster. The goal is to FEEL PHENOMENAL after the run. We’re starting from Wild Pear.
FM 4:30AM – 20 miles – http://www.mapmyrun.com/
HM 5:30AM – 11 Miles – http://www.mapmyrun.com/
Water will be at FM 1128 on SE corner and on the NW corner (rig) of Oiler Drive and Pearland Parkway
*IF you’re planning a mutiny and are going to start at a different time and want company, just let others know! We don’t want anyone running alone {unless that’s their thing. I’m married to one of them, so I know they exist}. And letting others know also helps so that folks know if people AREN’T going to be there. It’s absolutely the worst feeling to show up for a run and none of your group is there.
Ok…y’all have great runs this weekend! Let me know if you have any questions.
Aimee Galley
281-728-4848 cell