WEEK 16 – Saturday – 10/28/17 – Wild Pear

HAPPY FALL Y’ALL! Finally! Some of those dreamy fall temps. All you folks running the Houston Half Marathon on Sunday have no idea the jackpot you have hit. My Facebook Memories of this race have been popping up all week and historically it has been pretty miserable conditions…that I might have referred to more than once as… Read More

WEEK 17 – Saturday 11/12/16 – LONG Easy Miles

Hi y’all, Looking like a PERFECT morning for a run on Saturday…12 or 22 miles, to be exact!  COME ON COOL FRONT! PARR Swag The remaining inventory of PARR Gear is up on the website. If a size isn’t showing up…that means we don’t have it!    Once your order is placed, Sandy will let you… Read More

WEEK 15 – Saturday 10/29/16 – Miles for days

Hi Y’all, Did you enjoy that built in week of RECOVERY?!? Did you listen, or did you ignore it and power on? I promise the recovery stuff does your body good.  But I also know it’s sometimes hard to do when you’re on a roll! HOW ARE YOU? Just checking in… Are you keeping up… Read More

WEEK 13 – Best. Distance. Ever.

Hi Y’all, Can you believe we’re at the half way point already? THIRTEEN WEEKS DOWN! Unreal. And good news, this week we are running THE best distance.* Whether you’re running the full or the half, the distance this week is the ideal distance and the distance you will forever remember as your favorite distance. *Please… Read More

WEEK 11 – Saturday – 10/01/16

Hi Y’all, Wrapping up WEEK 11 with a nice long easy run with what looks to be GLORIOUS TEMPS. SAVOR IT! Again, FM+2 (or as close as you can get). You want to feel like you could keep the heck going. Easy peasy. This is a week to get more time and miles on your… Read More

WEEK 9 – Saturday – 09/17/16

Hi Y’all, We’ve got one last easy, long FM+2 in this series. I like to break the season into chunks to be able to wrap my head around all of the running. So. Much. Running. These last three weeks were a ramp up in mileage at that nice easy FM+2. How have you done to… Read More

WEEK 8 – Saturday – 09/10/16

Hi Y’all, We’ve got another easy FM+2 run this weekend! Were you able to get to that pace last week? Close? These runs should be conversational, meaning you should be able to talk the entire time. And when you’re done…feel like you could keep going.  Unless you were tired of listening to the person you… Read More

WEEK 7 – Saturday – 9/3/16 – First Easy Long Run

Hi Y’all, IT’S FINALLY HERE…. Just MILES and MILES of GLORIOUS FM+2 easy running. This is when the good stuff starts to happen. People start running further than they’ve ever run, feeling the benefits of all those dang hills…and those of us that aren’t new to running get that renewed push of “this is what… Read More