WEEK 24 – Saturday 12/23/17 and PARRty Details – RSVP Y’all!

Week 24, y’all! Can you believe it??? We’re in the home stretch. Taper time is just around the corner. But first, we have to get through what may be the longest run EVER for some of you.

And now a little advice and inspiration from Laurence…

We’re getting closer to the big day and you have worked hard the last six months to get you to this point. If you’ve been able to put in the training this season, you have to trust the training and believe you’re ready to run your best marathon. The next few weeks won’t change your final race time significantly, so the goal is to avoid injuries and to maintain the same level of fitness.

With this being said, the longest mileage run is scheduled for Saturday for the full marathoners (FM) at either 20 to 22 miles. We want to give the option for our FM to cut the distance to 18 this week. The 2 or 4 extra miles won’t make a significant difference in terms of physical preparedness. But if you think running 22 miles will help your confidence, then feel free to get in your longest run this year.

We still caution you to be mindful of any injuries, no matter how slight; and to not jeopardize your marathon by pushing through another 20+ mile run. If you’re hurt, then please rest. If you feel fatigued or tired, then please use your discretion to cut the number of miles you run.

We’re starting from Wild Pear this week.

FM – 5:00 AM – 20ish miles: http://www.mapmyrun.com/routes/fullscreen/1892924648/
(if you are wanting to cut the distance a little, turn left onto Pearland Parkway instead of going right to Dixie Farm)

HM – 5:45 AM – 11 miles: http://www.mapmyrun.com/routes/fullscreen/1892919758/

Water will be at the corner of Magnolia and McLean

Did someone say “CHOCOLATE MILK?”

We’re fully stocked on chocolate milk for this run (thank you, Pam!), so please help yourself once you’ve finished your run. Please post on Facebook if you are planning to run Friday morning so Pam can also leave a cooler at Wild Pear then.

End of Season PARRty

Our End of the Season Dinner is sneaking up on us. If you are new this year, you are in for a treat! This wrap up of the season is a great time to see what fellow runners actually look like in real life. We’ll serve dinner, visit a bit, a little speech here and there and some prizes, too. Fun night to reflect on the past 26 weeks…all that we have done and all of whom we have met.

BUT… before you get all caught up in holiday time, you need to RSVP, like ASAP, to get your seat(s)! PARR Members are free and PARR will be subsidizing a portion of each guest as well, to keep your cost at a minimum. Space and budget are limited…so RSVP/Register right away! Even if you are planning to come by yourself, you will need to RSVP/Register to reserve your seat…as we need to have an accurate headcount and won’t be able to have anyone just show up on the evening of. Don’t worry, you will get another reminder when Aimee returns!

KIDS? Lots of questions asking if kids should come. That is entirely up to you. There are not a lot of kids that do come, but they are certainly welcome!

We will have an honor bar again, serving beer/wine for $2/$3 donations…

Here are the specifics, now GO RSVP:

Date: Saturday, January 6, 2018

Time: 6:00PM – 9:00PM

Location: Reflection Bay Event Center – 12234 Shadow Creek Parkway, Suite 7100  Pearland, TX 77584

PARR Members: $0

Non-Member Guests: $10

Dress: Spans the spectrum: jeans to dressy. Your call.

Here is the link to RSVP/Register. These step by step instructions might help (you probably need to do from a computer too.):

Be sure you are logged into the PARR Website

  1. Go to https://goparr.com/product-category/season-end-party/  Select “Member Ticket” first
  2. “Add to Cart” – Please note that each registered Member will have to register themselves under their own log in. We realize there are families that are all members, but we had to limit the FREE admission to ONE per member.
  3. Once you’ve added yourself to the cart, you can also add a guest(s) the same way.
  4. Once you’ve got your guest registered, click VIEW CART and checkout.
  5. If you’re not bringing a guest, then PLACE ORDER. If you are bringing a guest(s), then it will ask for your payment information.

Please don’t hesitate to shoot any questions our way. We’ll be confirming our numbers soon, so please do this early!

Well, so much for a short and sweet email! But surely you’re not surprised.

I hope you all have great runs this weekend. And more importantly, have a very Happy Holiday!

Andrea Goodwin
andrea.goodwin@cardno.com or andreagoodwin93@gmail.com