Hi Y’all,
Sorry for the Friday email… just remember…it will ALWAYS be EARLY and always on SATURDAY morning…and I get ’til Friday at 3PM before official freak-out can happen 🙂
If you’re new to PARR {and I know you’re out there because TEN OF YOU JOINED THIS WEEK} and wanna catch up or can’t remember what we said earlier? You can always see the PAST EMAILS that were sent out.
Registration Closed
We had to draw the line and we drew it Monday. We want to focus our time and energy on the members we do have and making sure everyone has someone to run with – because that’s why we’re all here, right?!? Laurence went all Sherlock Holmes on us to get information on everyone and Daniel went all math nerd to get people into their groups and has just about everyone set. I’m not even working on the groups this year, but I’m exhausted! We’ll get these posted here in the next day or so. We’re still working on group {cheer}leaders as well.
But wait…what are THEY doing?
This is new to some and just a little reminder to us old dogs…“The schedule says 8 hills at 5:30AM and I am driving to meet everyone and I see people out there already doing hills and still running when I’m done? WHAT IN THE ACTUAL HECK?” With almost 300 of us, there are so many different things that people are training for. Might be an upcoming race. Might be that they are following a their own schedule. Might be that they are at a different level. BUT….not for any of us to fret over! If you’re not doing that and you’re just trying to keep up with half of what the schedule is recommending…THAT IS JUST FINE. Just do your thing. Whether you’re #PARRrogue or #PARRkinda or #PARRstrict…we are #allPARR…a now, giant, supportive running community.
Not to get ahead of ourselves
But we’ve only got 4 more weeks of this Saturday Hills business! And Laurence did a great job of lining up our first week of faster runs with the 2nd Annual Chance for Hope Go Gold Fun Run here in Silverlake on September 9. It is going to be another FANTASTIC event. I just MIGHT have gotten a little preview of what they have in store. And it’s not your run of the mill 5k/10K race. FREE FOOD for the runners. A FREE RAFFLE for the runners. And it’s a raffle with some GOOD STUFF, y’all. Stuff we love. And I’m not talking about a free t-shirt, people. Pearland came through to support Pearland…so you don’t want to miss out on that! Then on top of all of that…fun kids activities and entertainment. The schedule has FM doing 10 miles that week and HM doing 7…so we’ll be able to sneak in extra miles ahead of time and then finish off with the race. Bring your family too…5k Walk or 5k/10k run. I know PARR will show up big, because that’s what we do! Here is the link to register => https://thedriven.net/event.race_reg/eid/8353024579 and please feel free to share the event outside of here too!
PARR is happy to sponsor this Pearland charity again this year. The Chance for Hope Foundation is PARR Member, Andrea Davidson’s foundation that she and her husband created after their son Chance, lost his battle with brain cancer in 2013. Learn more of her story and all the amazing things the Chance for Hope Foundation does to support the families of pediatric cancer patients => http://chanceforhopefoundation.org/
Last year, I’m pretty sure PARR cleaned house with Khon winning whole dang thing outta nowhere and with all the raffle items that went home in the cars of PARR members! And it was very cool to see almost every participant in their GO GOLD race shirt in support of September’s Go Gold Pediatric Awareness Month.
Saturday Details
But until then, we will continue to meet at Turner, through Labor Day Weekend. These times allow for a cushioned return and for everyone to grab their towel/mat for some good ol’ CORE WORK. Also, one clarification…there were some mutterings of folks saying they were “getting done early” with their hills. Just a reminder that these runs are done on minutes, not number of hills or miles. So if you get done with all of your hills in 20 minutes…AWESOME, now go run the rest of the time to get your total minutes!
FM – Meet at 5:15 for 90 minute Easy Run
HM – Meet at 5:45 for 55 minutes (6 Hills) You can get a reminder for the intent and instruction on hills here: https://goparr.com/week-1-saturday-071517-turner/
Happy runs y’all!
Aimee Galley
281-728-4848 cell