WEEK 6 – Saturday – 08/19/17

Hi Y’all,

I hope everyone is sleeping better now that the pace groups are posted! I know I am 🙂 I’ve updated it with all the corrections, there were only a few 😉 If you could have seen my phone at the track on Wednesday with the emails rolling in as everyone was waking up! So here is the updated list and it can be found on the members page under Schedule & Groups. I KNOW IT IS A PDF. It’s not my best work. BUT WORDPRESS sucks sometimes and right now, I just cannot.

But just a little note on the groups. Some of you are probably in the wrong group…you might have not known what to do in your Magic Mile and totally undershot it. You might have given us no information and we had to guess based on the little bit of history you told us. You might have emailed us a little bit of information and we missed it. There are a lot of you. That means a lot of emails! But guess what…it’s just fine. All of the groups meet at the same time and head out – if you’re not feeling it, you can always drop back. If you feel like your pace group is a little slower than you, maybe you move up to the next group. Here’s a little secret too…we don’t care one bit if you change groups! They are just a guideline to try to help run a season injury free. Another secret, a ton of injuries pop up when you run faster than you should. The workouts that are lined out in the schedule have times when you should run faster than normal and times that you should runner slower than normal. And you may not believe me now, but running slower is sometimes harder (especially on the ego). These next few weeks will be a good test of where you are. On Saturday, we’ll try to kind of break out into our groups before we step off – just to get an idea who all those people are! Then we’ll head out with the fastest group first and so on.

We also will be setting some group leaders. These are your cheerleaders. It’s not their first rodeo. And also , most of us have been around a long while and are always happy to help connect you with someone or talk about running. OMG do we love to talk about running. While we’re running. While we’re not running. Ask anyone who doesn’t run and they’ll vouch for that. BUT…we’ll get the group leader stuff taken care of this next week. #week7goals

Fun fact: 144 FM as of right now and 153 HM

What are the pace ranges?

HUGE. They are huge. We just can’t make that small of a pace group and ensure a good turnout, so they are pretty big. And smaller groups closer in pace will naturally fall out as we go. But here is the anticipated breakdown in those finish times. And to give you an idea of just how HUGE the ranges are… a certain someone in our group has a FM PR (personal record) of 3:04 (that’s an insane 7:01 pace…for ALL OF THE MILES)…but others ALSO IN HIS GROUP are in the 8:50pace range, also ridiculously fast.  And the same for each group…we come in all shapes and paces.  So lots of wiggle room, my friends. And even better…lots of opportunities to meet and run with other people. Even that 3:04 guy.

Predicted FM Finishing times

Black – < 3 hour 55 minutes

Blue 3:55 – 4:30

Silver > 4:30

Predicted HM Finishing Time:

Orange < 2 hours 8 minutes

Purple 2:08-2:30

Green > 2:30


We’ll knock that out too in the coming weeks. We will send a note out once you can go online and order those. So hang tight. We want you in orange as much as you do.

Next “Guest” Speaker

Our next “guest” speaker is really one of us, a PARR member and an Ironman. Lisa Ferrera also of Focused+Fit Nutrition, knows a heck of  a lot about fueling and she’s willing to come give us her undivided attention and talk about our fueling before, during and after our run.  And what we should be doing when we’re not running.  We’ll meet at Wild Pear again next Friday August 25 at 7PM.  We’ll remind next week as well, I just know this is one many have been waiting for!

Saturday Details

We continue to meet at Turner, through Labor Day Weekend. These times allow for a cushioned just a bit to return and for everyone to grab their towel/mat for some good ol’ CORE WORK. Also, one clarification…there were some mutterings of folks saying they were “getting done early” with their hills. Just a reminder that these runs are done on minutes, not number of hills or miles. So if you get done with all of your hills in 20 minutes…AWESOME, now go run the rest of the time to get your total minutes!

FM – Meet at 5:15 for 100 minute (10 hills) You can get a reminder for the intent and instruction on hills here: https://goparr.com/week-1-saturday-071517-turner/

HM – Meet at 5:45 for 60 – 70 minutes easy run – 30-35 minutes out the back of Turner, up McLean and left on Magnolia, U-turn.

Happy runs y’all!

Aimee Galley

281-728-4848 cell