WEEK 5 – Saturday, 08/18/18

Hi Y’all,

Can you believe it’s almost here?  No, I’m not talking about school.  I’m talking about the sight of your husband on a couch every Saturday and/or Sunday watching football and doing nothing.  Yes, it’s coming and I’ll be guilty as charged.

With respect to school, our group consists of people from all walks of life and they include many teachers and school administrators.  If you see them around this week, thank them for being awesome and they may need some consoling this week as well.  I already saw some first-day back-to-school pictures this week.  I love seeing these pictures, so please feel free to share them with the group.

Chance for Hope Go Gold Fun Run – September 8, 2018

Have you heard me talk about the Chance for Hope Run? I believe this year will be the 3rd Annual Chance for Hope Go Gold Fun Run here in Silverlake on September 8.

It is going to be another FANTASTIC event.  And it’s not your run of the mill 5k/10K race. FREE FOOD for the runners. A FREE RAFFLE for the runners. And it’s a raffle with GOOD STUFF, y’all. Stuff we love. And I’m not talking about a free t-shirt, people. Pearland came through to support Pearland…so you don’t want to miss out on that!  PARR members usually win a good number of these raffle items.  Then on top of all of that…fun kids’ activities and entertainment. Bring your family too…5k Walk or 5k/10k run. I know PARR will show up big, because that’s what we do! Here is the link to register => https://thedriven.net/event.race_reg/eid/10123145689? and please feel free to share the event outside of here too!

PARR is happy to sponsor this Pearland charity again this year. The Chance for Hope Foundation is PARR Member, Andrea Davidson’s foundation that she and her husband created after their son Chance, lost his battle with brain cancer in 2013. Learn more of her story and all the amazing things the Chance for Hope Foundation does to support the families of pediatric cancer patients => http://chanceforhopefoundation.org/

And we like to match and it’s nice to see almost every participant in their GO GOLD race shirt in support of September’s Go Gold Pediatric Awareness Month.

We’ve only got 4 more weeks of the Saturday Hills!  Full marathoners have a different course this week so please read this email.

Saturday Group Run– 8/18/2018

Full Marathon: 5:30AM – Meet at Turner High School Track – MARATHON PACE RUN: 90 minutes Easy pace for 20 minutes, followed by 20 minutes at Marathon Pace, followed by 50 minutes easy pace.

Route will be DIFFERENT THAN PREVIOUS WEEK.  ROUTE – east on Bailey Rd. toward Bailey Bridge, continue past HWY 35 and south/right on Pearland Parkway and then east/left on Dixie Farm until you get to 45 minutes and turnaround back to Turner for CORE with the Camp Gladiator trainers.

Water will be provided at intersection of Pearland Parkway and Bailey Rd.

Half Marathon: 6:00AM – Meet at Turner High School parking lot for Hills – 6 HILLS and 55 minutes on Bailey Bridge and back for CORE at 7:00AM with the Camp Gladiator trainers.  You may finish the 6 HILLs before 55 minutes, so you may want to finish the 55 minutes along Bailey Road toward 1128.  Water will be provided at west side of Bailey Bridge.

Walking group: 6:00AM – 55 minutes – Meet at Turner High School parking lot for 55 minutes.   You’ll walk east on Bailey Rd. toward Bailey Bridge and turn around at 27 minutes and head back to Turner for CORE with the Camp Gladiator trainers at 7:00AM.

All groups should be back at Turner parking lot at 7:00AM for CORE work with the Camp Gladiator trainers and should be wrapped up by about 7:15AM.  Be sure to bring your mat or towel…that parking lot is tough on planking elbows.

Core and Yoga

Thank you Kaylin and Caroline for continuing to lead the core class after our runs.  And thank you all for humoring me in allowing me to teach yoga.  It seemed many of you did find the yoga useful, let’s plan to have another session on August 25th since I’m out of town this weekend.

Get Social and Join Our Main Facebook Page

If you’re not on Facebook, you’re missing out on so many things, from getting to know the members, being updated on all kinds of information including the weekly runs, laughing at our member’s humorous posts and most importantly, get inspired and motivated by fellow members.  To borrow a famous phrase, just do it.

You can join the main PARR page (if you have a different name than your registration, we need to know) https://www.facebook.com/groups/246625075376797/

Once you’ve joined the PARR FB group, you can join your pace group page (can be found from the main PARR page under “About”…then Recommended by the Admins.

Volunteers Needed for Water Duty

Many people stepped up and volunteered for water duty but we still have open slots.  If you are able to assist, please join the PARR Water page https://www.facebook.com/groups/1613380328949363/members/ for instructions/details and a Sign-Up Genius.

Let’s fill out the spots so we don’t need to worry about it for entire season.

Reminder: This is a two-week obligation where you pick up the water jugs on one week and then set the same on the following week. If you are volunteering, please ensure you’re around for two consecutive Saturdays.

PARR SHIRTS and Wild Pear Gift Certificates

David Rosenthal told me many PARR members did take advantage of tax free weekend, but there are still many unclaimed gift certificates.  If you signed up with PARR this season, you received a $25 GC to Wild Pear to be used however you wish.  It’s like finding pirates’ gold.  So, go to Wild Pear and use your Gift Certificate – they have a record of who has picked up!

If you don’t have a PARR shirt, you should consider using your GC on a shirt.  No peer pressure but you’ll look good in Orange. Reminder that shirts can be (tried on) ordered at Wild Pear.

Third Guest Speakers – Camp Gladiator

Camp Gladiator or “CG” sounds fierce!!   Some of the Camp Gladiator trainers are coming on Saturday after the run.  CG is a great cross training program for runners. I enrolled last year and I honestly really liked it.  The instructors are very positive and it’s a great program if you fit it in your budget.

I’ll see you all next week!