Hi Y’all,
It’s Andrea here, with a short-ish email this week in preparation for a long, Labor Day holiday weekend.
I’ve missed running with the half marathoners the last few weeks. If you’ve missed a few Saturday runs, too, don’t fret. That’s one (of many!) great things you can count on about PARR. Your PARR family will always be here when you are ready to run!
Thanks to everyone who came out this week for our #PARRSocial! We love to run together and it’s even more fun to hang out together! A special shout out to Dr. Cao for coming to discuss injury prevention; this is invaluable information as we really start ramping up the miles!
We have two more weeks of hills; this will be the last week for the half marathoners and the walking group (YAY!). The alternating weeks of hill training and timed easy runs are focused on building your running base and strength. Once the hills are finished, the training plan will be focused on slowly building speed and stamina as we increase the miles.
There was discussion on Facebook before last week’s run about the weather, so it’s a good time to address it here for those not on Facebook. PARR’s policy is that we WILL run in the rain, but we WILL NOT run when there’s lightning. Everyone is welcome to do whatever is best for you, but these are our general guidelines. We don’t want runners on the roads (especially Bailey Bridge!) when there are thunderstorms and lightning in the area. So get in the habit of checking the forecast the night before and connect with your group leader the morning of the run to get the game plan.
#PARRSaturdayRun – 8/31/2019
Full Marathon: 5:15 AM – Meet at Turner High School parking lot. Easy Run – 110 Minutes or 11 miles: Conversational easy pace (1-2 minutes slower than marathon pace).
ROUTE – run east on Bailey Rd. toward Bailey Bridge, continue past HWY 35 and south/right on Pearland Parkway and then east/left on Dixie Farm until you get 518/Main St. If you turn around at 518 and return to Turner, you’ll finish with 9 miles and that may be 110 minutes for you. If you arrive back at Turner before you’ve completed 110 minutes, please run along Bailey toward 1128 and turnaround at 1 mile and you’ll finish with 11.
Please carry lighting and be careful when crossing the major intersections. Water will be provided at intersection of Pearland Parkway and Bailey Rd.
Half Marathon: 6:00 AM – Meet at Turner High School parking lot. Run east on Bailey Rd. toward Bailey Bridge. Run back and forth across the bridge at an easy or marathon pace. Total run time is 60-70 minutes and at least 8 hills, so plan your run accordingly.
Water will be provided at intersection of west side of Bailey Bridge.
Walking group: 6:00 AM – Same as the half marathoners. Meet at Turner High School parking lot. Walk east on Bailey Rd. toward Bailey Bridge. Total time for the walk is 60-70 minutes, back and forth over Bailey Bridge. Allow yourself enough time to walk back to Turner.
A NOTE FOR THOSE DOING HILLS: Please be courteous while on the Bailey Bridge! We encourage everyone to go up and down the hill in a single file line. It’s fine to pass if you need to – always pass on the left. If you are recovering and headed back down the hill, please make room for those who are on their way up!
All groups should be back at Turner parking lot to begin CORE by 7:15. Be sure to bring your mat or towel, your elbows will thank you for it!
Chance for Hope Going Gold Fun Run, is coming up quick on Saturday, September 7. This is a fantastic local race and provides you an opportunity to support a great cause and to get a gauge on your training. And PARR is a sponsor! You have the choice of a 5k or 10k. This race is very popular with our members, and the race organizer is one of our very own PARR members!
This race is a USTAF Certified course and can be used to earn a coveted spot in Coral A in the January Houston Marathon and Half Marathon (See timing requirements here). AND, this race has a great celebration after the race with pretty awesome raffle items and a ton of free activities for kids. They pour their hearts into this event, and it shows. We hope to see everyone out there, you can still register for the race (but are not guaranteed a shirt) HERE.
On Saturday, September 21st after the run, DC-Recovery (new local business in our area) will be set up to offer free massage and other services to us! Stick around and check them out, ask them questions about that nagging pain/injury you’re feeling and sample some of their services.
Thursday, September 26th @ 7 PM at Wild Pear – “Why We Run.” We’re getting up close and personal with a few of our very own PARR members! We have some pretty AMAZING people with great stories in this group! Do you know who has run a marathon in every state? Or who regularly runs a marathon EVERY WEEKEND? Or who overcame a tremendous 100+ lb weight loss and now runs with us? Or who has overcome (and still battles) major health issues, but gets out and joins us for runs? Meet these people and hear their stories! And, come share YOURS!!! We’d love to hear it. If your story motivates just ONE PERSON to be a little more dedicated, disciplined or grateful to be able to run, it was well worth sharing!
Check the Facebook group for invites to these two events. And be sure to thank Kaylin when you see her for totally BRINGING IT with all of our superb presentations this season!!!
As always, it’s never too early to begin hydrating for this weekend’s run.
Have a great Labor Day weekend and stay safe!